Written by Claire Simon, based upon Yann Andréa’s Je voudrais parler de Duras, the story takes us back to 1982. Yann Andréa and Marguerite Duras have been living together for two years. Yann asks Michèle Manceaux to interview him about his life with Duras and the passion which now binds them together for better or for worse, both entrancing and maddening…


  1. 1金牌河东狮吼3.0
  2. 2爱的狂热2.0
  3. 3错爱6.0
  4. 4错爱20247.0
  5. 5半糖初恋8.0
  6. 6雏菊200610.0
  7. 7传奇王子10.0
  8. 8欲望你好1.0
  9. 9刨根问底3.0
  10. 10天亮就去见你8.0